Run for America - 435 job posting
From Run For America:
Imagine for a moment you were offered an exciting, new job.
It’d come with $174,000 salary, 3-4 workdays a week, a full-time staff of 18, and opportunities for international travel. Your primary responsibility would be to work with others to formulate and enact ideas to solve some of society’s most pressing problems. The only catch is that you’d have to be hired by your friends and neighbors…as a U.S. Representative in the next election.
So why not run? Or encourage someone you admire?
Check out more about Run for America on the web. They posted 435 job openings to LinkedIn earlier this week. Interested in creating an environment where more people seek office at the federal level - Democrats, Republicans and Independents - they are on the forefront in thinking about how to solve the problems with a Congress that doesn't appear to be able to solve problems that face the majority of Americans.